NCSI is pleased to share the second session in our Research to Practice Spotlight Series. This session focused on building the foundational literacy skills of early learners, including those who may benefit from additional support. We reviewed the evidence-based language and literacy recommendations (5-7) in the What Works Clearinghouse practice guide Preparing Young Children for School, showed relevant examples of early childhood program curricula and activities, and facilitated discussions on ways SEAs and LEAs can support educators to implement recommendations with diverse learners in varied contexts. Future sessions will address other recommendations from this guide.
Jill Pentimonti, PhD., (University of Notre Dame, Practice Guide Panel Member)
Lauren Artzi, PhD., (NCSI)
Laura Berry Kuchle, PhD., (NCSI)
About the Series:
NCSI is hosting a series of webinars aimed at unpacking key evidence-based practices and recommendations to promote learning for students with disabilities and others struggling to learn reading and math. Participants will hear about key practices and considerations for SEAs and LEAs in supporting educators with implementation.
You can watch the series and get the associated materials here: