In 2016, OSEP began providing differentiated monitoring and support (DMS) to States as part of its Results Driven Accountability (RDA) system. Under RDA, OSEP made a shift from monitoring based solely on compliance to monitoring and support focused on both compliance and improving results for children with disabilities. OSEP differentiates its approach for each State based on the State’s unique strengths, progress, challenges, and needs.
Beginning in Federal fiscal year (FFY) 2021 Part B and Part C systems of general supervision will be monitored by OSEP in a five-year cycle. States will be assigned a specific monitoring cohort and, by cohort, will engage in a three-phase cycle of DMS 2.0 monitoring activities:
Discovery: 5 months prior to engagement
The OSEP monitoring team will begin working with the State to prepare 5 months prior to the scheduled monitoring visit. The OSEP monitoring team will review all publicly available information prior to working with the State. Activities during the Discovery phase include responding to OSEP’s Document request by uploading documents to an external Sharepoint, participating in a State Overview Call, Stakeholder engagement and Local Component.
Engagement: On-site/Virtual Visit through issuing of the Monitoring Report
The OSEP monitoring team will develop an agenda for the on-site/virtual visit including interview calls. The issuance of the DMS Monitoring Report concludes the Engagement.
Close-out: Up to one year after the issuance of the DMS Monitoring Report
In the year following the on-site visit, the OSEP will work with the State to ensure correction of any remaining outstanding findings by reviewing the evidence of correction, provide technical assistance, and support, and discuss progress in improving identified results areas.
The monitoring protocols will guide OSEP’s inquiry and state engagement. They are organized by an overarching topical question and focus area related to the monitoring component, general information about what States need to answer the question, follow-up questions to more closely examine general information provided by the State, and possible areas for additional focus or support that could result in areas of identified concern or noncompliance.
Adapted Protocols for State Use
Although the protocols were designed as tools for use by OSEP monitoring teams to guide State engagement, States have requested companion tools for their use in preparing for DMS 2.0 activities. Part B and C TA Centers have adapted the protocols for use by states in planning for and tracking policies and procedures in each general supervision area. These reformatted protocols include a customizable chart for each overarching question where States can track documents and resources, responsible staff, and planned actions to prepare for DMS monitoring activities. States can customize the table rows and columns as needed to meet their specific needs. TA centers will update these tools as needed.
Attached here are adapted protocols for:
- Data and SPP APR
- Dispute Resolution: Due Process
- Dispute Resolution: Mediation
- Dispute Resolution: State Complaint
- Fiscal Management
- Integrated Monitoring
- Part B Child Find Protocol
- Part B Discipline and Behavior
- Part B Subrecipient Monitoring
- Significant Disproportionality
- Sustaining Compliance and Improvement
You can access the OSEP protocols and other OSEP DMS information here.