TA Facilitators by Name
Find contact information for your TA Facilitator. To explore TA Facilitators by State, please see the TA Facilitator Map.
Katherine Bradley-Black
States: District of ColumbiaFloridaNew JerseyNorth CarolinaVirginiaWest Virginia
Tel: 202.471.2476
Diana Cruz
States: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsFederated States of MicronesiaRepublic of Palau
Tel: 415.615.3431
Cesar D’Agord
States: Bureau of Indian EducationGuamHawaiiRepublic of the Marshall Islands
Tel: 614-327-1780
Julia Hartwig
States: CaliforniaIllinoisIndianaKentuckyMichiganMinnesotaPennsylvaniaWisconsin
Tel: 415-615-3290
Mary Watson
States: AlabamaDelawareMassachusettsNebraskaSouth CarolinaSouth Dakota
Tel: 919.602.6804
Jennifer Wolfsheimer
States: American SamoaKansasNew YorkRhode IslandU.S. Virgin IslandsUtah
Tel: 301-789-4729