SSIP Infrastructure Development Planning Tool
The purpose of this SSIP Infrastructure Development Rubric and SSIP Infrastructure Development Planning Tool is to support SEA staff involved in the implementation of their SSIP. This tool provides SSIP teams to reflect on the role of infrastructure in their work and recognized their current status in relation to each of the implementation drivers and each Implementation Stage through all the phases of their SSIP implementation. This tool allows team to measure the changes reflected in Competency, Organization, and Leadership Drivers to inform a continuous improvement process that will allow them to create a focus for improvement planning. This tool can be used to measure changes in infrastructure development and practices that will build the sustainability of the SSIP as states scale-up from year to year. States can also use the data from this tool to report changes to infrastructure growth and development over time in their subsequent SSIP submissions to OSEP.
The SSIP Infrastructure Development Rubric is built to crosswalk the implementation drivers and the Implementation Stages necessary for effective sustainable implementation of the SSIP. Teams will use this tool, using the rubric elements, to consider which implementation stage has been completed for each of the implementation driver areas. Teams will then take these responses and transfer them to a scoring sheet on the SSIP Infrastructure Development Planning Tool. They will use these scores in each competency driver to identify areas for action and improvement. Guiding Questions are provided related to the identified priority areas to support action planning in the continuous improvement process.