Effective Instruction Cross-State Learning Collaborative
The Effective Instruction Cross-State Learning Collaborative (CSLC) supports states to build local capacity to adopt and use EBPs and HLPs.
Five Shared Interest Groups are supported under this CSLC:
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
- Instructional Coaching
- Secondary Transition and Post-Secondary Outcomes
- Specially Designed Instruction

General Supervision Cross-State Learning Collaborative
The General Supervision Cross-State Learning Collaborative (CSLC) supports states in preparing for OSEP monitoring (DMS 2.0) and helps operationalize general supervision systems that support effective implementation of IDEA.
SEA Leadership Cross-State Learning Collaborative
The State Education Agency Leadership Collaborative focuses on meeting the unique needs of state special education directors as agents of change. It provides a space for state directors to engage in shared learning to strengthen capacity, sustain systemic improvement, and enable positive results for students with disabilities.