CSLC: Cross-State Learning Collaborative
DMS: Differentiated Monitoring and Support
EBP: Evidence-Based Practices
EDGAR: Education Department General Administrative Regulations
FFY: Federal Fiscal Year
HLP: High Leverage Practices
IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
MTSS: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
NCSI: National Center for Systemic Improvement
OSEP: Office of Special Education Programs
PD: Professional Development
RDA: Results Driven Accountability
SEA: State Education Agency
SEAL: State Education Agency Leadership
SIMR: State-Identified Measurable Results
SPP/APR: State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report
SSIP: State Systemic Improvement Plan
TA: Technical Assistance
TA Liaison: The individual assigned to each State Education Agency (SEA). Each liaison is charged with understanding systemic needs, supporting access to resources, maintaining relationships with SEA teams, helping identify specific state issues, and brokering technical assistance (TA) support from appropriate sources, including other TA Centers.
UDL: Universal Design for Learning