15:31:09 From Tanner Petry : Evaluation Link: https://meadowscenter.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9MItPXpI8PX2w4J 15:59:52 From Cyndie Hargrave : Cyndie Hargrave, Washington State 16:00:03 From Linda Turner : Linda Turner - South Dakota 16:00:06 From Colleen Reutebuch : Colleen Reutebuch, NCSI evaluator is here 16:00:08 From Elizabeth Moore : Elizabeth Moore, South Carolina 16:00:13 From Drew Saranillio : Drew Saranillio, Hawaii 16:00:18 From Sara Doutre : Hi all, thank you for joining! 16:00:18 From Becky Unker : Becky Unker, Utah State Board of Education 16:00:18 From Kelly Wojcik : Kelly Wojcik, Nebraska 16:00:22 From Tanner Petry : Hello everyone. If you are not able to hear sound, please check the Join Audio button in the Zoom Toolbar. 16:00:33 From Michele Walden-Doppke : Michele Walden-Doppke - Rhode Island 16:00:35 From Rebecca Latham : Rebecca Latham, Louisiana 16:00:36 From Beckie Davis : Beckie Davis, SC 16:00:43 From Carolyn Cherry : Carolyn Cherry, MN 16:00:52 From Jeff Adams : Jeff Adams, Arkansas 16:00:52 From Bert Moore : Bert Moore, KS 16:00:54 From Erin Levin : Erin Levin, MN 16:01:05 From Dave Phillips : Dave Phillips, CIFR at WestEd 16:01:05 From Lauren Holahan : Lauren Holahan, NC 16:01:07 From Faye Gibson : Faye Gibson, Colorado Department of Education 16:01:13 From Kerry Haag : Kerry Haag, KSDE, Kansas 16:01:17 From Shana Clay : Shana Clay, West Virginia Dept of Ed 16:01:29 From marikay litzau : Marikay Litzau Minnesota 16:01:30 From stella brown : Stella Brown, Oregon Department of Education 16:01:45 From Jacqueline Quitugua : Hafa Adat from CNMI, Jackie Quitugua 16:01:47 From Theresa Nicholls : Theresa Nicholls, Tennessee 16:01:53 From Mary Beilke : Mary Beilke, Iowa Department of Education 16:01:55 From nancy gorman : Hi everyone, Nancy Gorman from Hawaii DOE State office 16:01:56 From Ginger Henry : Ginger Henry, Missouri Department of Education 16:01:58 From Marcelina Contreras to Tanner Petry(Privately) : I don't think I'm co-host, feel free to make me if you would like... Unsure if I am. 16:02:10 From Deborah Dominguez-Clark : Deborah Dominguez-Clark, New Mexico 16:02:11 From Julie Mead : Julie Mead, Idaho SESTA 16:02:13 From Jacqueline Quitugua : Yes, 6am here in the CNMI 16:02:18 From Krysten Douglas : Krysten Douglas, South Carolina Dept. of Education- Office of Special Education Services 16:02:29 From Deborah Ziegler : Deb Ziegler Alexandria, VA 16:02:32 From Vera StroupRentier : Vera Stroup-Rentier, Nebraska NETA B 16:02:37 From Jacqueline Quitugua : Start of the day and thank you for the opportunity 16:02:46 From carole clancy : Carole Clancy, PA 16:07:54 From Ann Moore : Ann Moore - SC 16:10:14 From Julie Saum : Virginia - sending individualized info to each student and family 16:10:21 From Sara Doutre : Thank you Julie 16:10:24 From Theresa Nicholls : Tennessee- Resource guidance and grant opportunities 16:10:26 From James Lawton : Wisconsin / County by county coalitions 16:10:31 From Lauren Holahan : Much more strategic and energetic focus on SEL for SWD and staff 16:10:36 From Mary Beilke : Weekly state-wide webinars with guidance 16:10:38 From Kerry Haag : KS providing resource documents 16:10:49 From Danielle Basham : VA - providing lessons on the locals TV stations to help students who do not have internet access 16:10:58 From carole clancy : Virtual Learning Conference held Monday exhibiting educators work. over 2000 attendees 16:11:02 From Victoria Glick : DC - rolling out teacher PD on mitigating student regression 16:11:06 From Sherry Thomas : Providing remote learning resources -NC 16:11:09 From Rebecca Latham : LA- guidance for related service providers on implementing continuous learning opportunities and services 16:11:10 From Jacqueline Quitugua : Looking at existing best practices used in our Distance Ed and moving to intensive PD plan for summer, Wifi on wheels 16:11:16 From stella brown : Oregon- created and posted Resource Toolkit for Students with Complex Needs as well as other guidance documents 16:11:23 From Dr Shawnell to Tanner Petry(Privately) : FL-Organizing Resources Across State and Funding 16:11:46 From Julie Mead : Idaho—Working with our parent organization to create guidance documents for parents 16:12:06 From Dr Shawnell : FL- FL-Organizing Resources Across State and Funding 16:12:09 From Catherine Quick : Contacting each family to identify needs, resource guidance, Facebook read alouds for all families in New Mexico, online teaching for preschool with activities with families - New Mexico 16:12:38 From Catherine Quick : New Mexico - development of continuous learning plans from schools 16:14:12 From Becky Unker : Utah-Creating and updating frequently resources for the SPED directors to share with their staff...working in partnership with out Utah Parent Center which is a resource for parents throughout the state. Working with our General Education partners to create a list of tools for all teachers. 16:14:38 From Sara Doutre : Thank you, Becky — great to see so many states partnering with parent organizations. 16:16:09 From Matt Hoskins : Responding to previous question…link to NC remote learning resources: https://sites.google.com/view/covidspedconsiderations/home-supplemental-optional 16:17:20 From Sara Doutre : Thank you for sharing, Matt. 16:36:39 From Dean Zajic : funding to start ED may hold at current level, but will not be enough anticipating higher needs of families as a result of covid-19 impact on other sectors 16:37:44 From Sherry Thomas : Dean Zajic, agree 16:38:02 From Dean Zajic : start=state. typo 😉 16:45:15 From Mary Beilke : Will the PPT be available to download? 16:46:34 From Rorie Fitzpatrick : www.ncsi.wested.org landing page will have the slides and recording soon 16:47:05 From Dr Shawnell : Thank you, Jason! 16:50:40 From Sara Doutre to Tanner Petry(Privately) : Did you get the evaluation link to post? 16:50:46 From stella brown : Yes- thank you, Jason! 16:51:58 From Tanner Petry to Sara Doutre(Privately) : Yup, ready to go 16:52:10 From Sara Doutre to Tanner Petry(Privately) : Perfect, thank you!! 16:57:46 From Dr Shawnell : What have been predicted or established measures of success for distance learning delivery of special education services in the field? 16:57:48 From stella brown : and thanks Kelsey! 16:58:45 From James Lawton : Stabilization because we've really been in urgent phase for a while. It's hard because summer this year is so up in the air. 16:59:31 From Tanner Petry : Evaluation Link: https://meadowscenter.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9MItPXpI8PX2w4J 17:00:08 From Dr Shawnell : Thank you. 17:00:11 From Beckie Davis : That's a great point, Sara! 17:00:12 From James Lawton : Yes some students have actually liked this format 17:00:29 From Mari Shikuzawa : Survey Link: https://meadowscenter.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9MItPXpI8PX2w4J 17:00:33 From Becky Unker : Thank you...this was great information. 17:00:57 From Rorie Fitzpatrick : Please do join us the next two Weds! And help us out with the survey completion too :) 17:01:00 From Dr Shawnell : Thank you, Kelsey! 17:01:03 From Mary Beilke : Thank you so much!! 17:01:07 From Tanner Petry : Evaluation Link: https://meadowscenter.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9MItPXpI8PX2w4J 17:01:11 From Sara Doutre : Submit any questions for next week in the evaluation, please! 17:01:13 From Kelly Wojcik : Thank you! 17:01:13 From Jason Willis : Thanks James for the additional comments on what phase you are in. And with many still unknowns but remains the chance to think about scenarios. 17:01:18 From Dr Shawnell : Thank you Jason, Kelsey and Sara 17:01:26 From Cyndie Hargrave : Thank you! 17:01:41 From MADALINA TUDORA : Thank you! 17:01:41 From Sara Doutre to Tanner Petry(Privately) : Thank you Tanner!!