by NCSI in partnership with CIFR, IDC and DCASD
IDEA allows, and in specific circumstances, requires local educational agencies (LEAs) to use Part B funds for coordinated early intervening services (CEIS). These services are provided to children and youth who need additional academic or behavioral support to succeed in education. States have the responsibility to provide oversight to the LEA implementation of C/CEIS.
This resource has three sections to assist states with the understanding and monitoring of allowable activities for C/CEIS. Section 1 provides an overview of C/CEIS, delineating and explaining the requirements for both. Section 2 includes four scenarios for C/CEIS. Each scenario includes sample proposed activities and explanations about why each activity is or is not an allowable use of C/CEIS funds. Section 3 provides rubrics to help SEAs review an LEA’s plan for or implementation of C/CEIS funds.
SEAs can use this guide to help LEAs plan for C/CEIS, to support and monitor LEA implementation of C/CEIS, or to train LEAs to ensure compliance with IDEA requirements and effective implementation.
This document is presented in both PDF (link above) and Word (download Word version). The PDF is fully accessible and recommended. However, the Word document may be edited as needed to individualize for state context and procedures.